Beautiful War Bride
6 Dec 2021 8:05 AM
We met in December 1990 it was a warm Arizona day
I smiled at you and your eyes shyed away
You did your best to keep me warm that night
And that was when our lives took flight
I came back and again I gazed into your eyes
Then six months later I made you my bride
Standing there among your sisters flowers
I saw such beauty in moments that seemed like hours
I could have spent the rest of my existance, just there...holding you in my arms
My eyes drowning in yours no worry no pain no harm
Our souls entangeled like my rose in your veil
But time moved on and on seperate ships we sailed
We did have very good times before they went bad
And those good times live on in the daughters we had
I still think of you every day and still pray that you are happy and safe
I choose to leave those bad times in the past and remember the smile on that lovely face
God bless you always and fill you with joy
Remember that day and your soldier boy