Love Poem: Beautifull
Mathias Alabi Oni Avatar
Written by: Mathias Alabi Oni


Girl you so fine
Every thing around you shine
If i can have you as mine
Ill be the happiest man alive
I know am not your type
I may not be what you looking for
But i hope in the future youill realize it more
Please give me a chance
Ill never breake your heart
I look deep down to understand
Because were you stand 
Your love ill never find
I know that you kind
Please give me a chance
Just this one dance
To show you i can do things right
Am not here to fight or to argue
I want you to be my sunshine
I come with a lot of charms
so warm
In the morring youill open your eyes
And i see your beautyfull eyes 
And it kills my heart
If i could ask you out
Take a walk on the sands
And hold you in the harms
Girl i love you with all my heart