Beauty is not to fight about
nor to be kept by anyone person,s eyes
It,s seldem even seen.
True beauty is felt,
through the touch of warmth
when it,s cold.
Through being in one,s arms
and feeling totally safe.
Beauty is shared love. the
grip of ones lover squeezing
you to her when you release her
letting you know she wants you.
Beauty is letting her win when
winning is all that she needs
at that time.Beauty is the light
that shines when she smiles.
listening, caring and giving
her the attention she needs.
Beauty is her shyness, her
anger, her questioning look
after she climaxes
Beauty is being the beast to
keep her the queen.
mad, glad, sad
Beauty is building a foundation
on trust not lust.
Beauty is her, it,s me it,s us.
when my arms are around her
and she fits right in.
beauty is her hair, her skin
her womanly scent.
beauty is saying by this is it.
knowing it,s confused love running
you crazy, lazy to feel.
Beauty is her letting you back into
her life.
her sliding up to you soft, warm body,
hot. Beauty is feeling her control over you
and putting her to sleep in your arms
because of it.
For beauty is what you want.Beauty is her
history of survival. where she,s been.
where she,s going
Beauty is her stepping back and listening to her man
being for him when he knows she can,t trust,want trust
but can,t trust.
Beauty is watching her lose control and take control
over and over again winning in the end.
Beauty is your glance that makes me change all thoughts
Beauty is love, it,s respect, it,s honor and trust
it,s harmony.
Beauty is how i see you in the morning when you wakeup
Beauty is you. It,s the lust, the desire that burns
in my soul for you , and how i miss you when you leave
love you.