Beauty and Colors
My daughter gifted me her project.
She made for her school. A living place;
With pink construction papers. In a manila folder.
The floor and the shelf were made with lots of ice-cream sticks.
The bed was also made with ice-cream sticks glued with glue gun.
It had a collection of colorful buttons, just like petals.
Lots and lots of colorful beanbags to relax on.
And pleasantly, it had a square window.
A rare glimpse of a deep blue sky!
I see a tree from the window
In the dining area, an oak tree.
With solid branches, green leaves.
When sunlight reflects on those leaves, birds chirp,
Squirrels hop and play together on the tree branches…
I feel I had tasks undone that I should have
Wrapped up yesterday. Painful emotion.
That old oak tree will always be there,
Beside the window unless there is a need,
To cut down the green leafy branches, age-old memories.
I see my daughter playing with her long hair, untied. Smiling.
I see tiny birds on the tree branch. I see beauty and colors.