Love Poem: Beauty Bliss Created Woman

Beauty Bliss Created Woman


What God has done;
He has created one;
He's begun made you perfect in every way;
Picture this, a beauty bliss;
A vibrant picture spun from heaven;
A picture of blackness created;
Lightning struck this twilight beauty mine'
From space an image from dirt and clay
A taken rib
Golden-glittering phenomenal essence;
Glorious wonderous presents...
Picture this picture risk photogenic
What God has done;
He has created one;
He's begun made you perfect in every way;
Picture this, a beauty bliss;
A vibrant picture spun from heaven;
This is the time first man;
Then beautiful woman;
God has created both of them;
From space an image from dirt and clay
A taken rib
Golden-glittering phenomenal essence;
Glorious wonderous presents...
   this has God created beauty woman


written by James Edward Lee Sr.