Because He Is a Little Guy
Coyote Pup used to sleep all day, but now he is past that.
He is an active running, jumping, sniffing, snarling puppy.
His life is busy, and he has a new friend, persnickety mouse.
Persnickety Mouse is bossy, but they are friends.
And they love to do the same things – chase and run.
Run and chase, chase and run and run and chase.
In the morning Coyote Pup gets his instructions from his friend.
Why do you let him boss you? His mother asks him.
“Because he is a little guy, and it makes him feel powerful.”
She cannot argue with this, so she keeps silent.
Watching them run and scramble, having such fun!
As they grow up it may not be this way, so they should enjoy the now.