Love Poem: Becki My Home
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Written by: Jimmy Baer

Becki My Home

In my emotions, where love intertwines,
There's a tale of a bond that forever shines.
Home isn't just walls or a physical space,
It's found in the connection, a warm embrace.

Becki, my love, a sanctuary you became,
A haven where my heart found rest, and peace.
In your presence, I discovered true bliss,
A treasure I never knew could exist.

Each day with you was like a sweet, tender song,
Our love soared high, so vibrant and strong.
Your laughter lit up the darkest of nights,
Guiding me through life's grandest heights.

Your touch was a gentle, soothing caress,
A love to my soul, a divine tenderness.
Your eyes, like stars, shone so bright and serene,
I found myself in them, a love of my life.

With you, I felt whole, I felt truly alive,
Together we flourished, we learned to thrive.
You were the compass that guided my way,
A beacon of hope, illuminating each new day.

But life can be cruel, with unforeseen change,
And time carried us apart, distant plains.
Yet, the memories remain etched deep within,
A love so profound, it persists, and it still wins.

Though our paths have divided, I'll always believe,
That home is the love we shared, and I grieve,
For the loss of this cherished, sacred bond,
But I carry the essence, forever it'll resound.

So, Becki, my love, wherever you may be,
Know that you'll forever reside within me.
For home isn't a place, but a person so true,
And that person, my dear, will always be you.