Been There
A gunshot to the head
A knife to the chest
If this is the only way out
What happens to the rest
Losing your best friend
Is no reason to end your life
Suicide is not the key
So put down that gun or knife
Is it that your father
Is dying from lung cancer
Don't give up now
Because only God knows the answer
Whatever it may be
It's not worth the rest of your life
So please for my sake
Just put down that knife
I may not be your mother
Or even your best friend
But please atleast take notice
To all the love I send
You are a great person
Inside and out
So please let others see
What you are all about
Trust me when I say
I have been there in the past
Drop the sorrow
Because your dreams have got to last
I'm not trying to tell you
What to say or what to do
I'm just letting you know
How much that I love you