Before I Close My Eyes
Before I challenge Heaven.
Before I acquiesce to my demise.
Draw near and let me look at you
Before I close my eyes.
Before the Reaper comes a calling
Offering his pantheon of death...
May the cherished words 'I love you'
Release my final breath.
The End
To 'tempt the straight and narrow
Be a fine and wondrous thing.
But when winter dregs doth fade away...
'Tis time to ravage spring.
Embrace its vernal pleasures...
Make bold the primal dust.
Talk not of pride and prejudice,
But of love and carnal lust.
In the autumn when you dissipate,
More inclined to be at rest.
Think back upon the feral spring
With Nature at her best.
The End
In the meadow lies a maiden
With wanting in her eyes...
She has an air of expeditiousness
Abject loneliness doth disguise.
She waits out the morning mist
Beneath a willow tree.
With mentations of pseudo lovers
Drifting soft upon the breeze.
With tranquil scenes and earthly scents...
The woodlands do bemoan
This tragic crime of Nature
Where she sits there all alone.
The End
I died upon St. Crispin's Day.
I perished by the flame.
I now sit above a fireplace
Betwixted two picture frames.
'Tis not the paradise I mused
When the Reaper collected on my debt...
But gamblers can't be too particular
When we place that final bet.
The End
* Follow my cartoon at Webtoon Bob's Your Uncle.