Before It's Too Late
Before it's Too Late
I want to say Thank you
For the roses you bought home when it was not a man made holiday
For my favorite candies you brought home when I mentioned them in the midst of our conversation
For the unexpected dinner date you arranged for us to have when you knew I was craving for time alone with you
For the text in the middle of the day saying that you love me and you appreciate my smile
For the spa day that you set up for me when I was stressed out from the work week
For accepting me for who I am..( a little over weight and now a little skinner than when you first met me) because I got sick.
For listening to me even though you had a lot on your mind and I said I would rather not talk about it because I knew you had a so much on your mind but took out the time anyway to listen
My love I decided to write this poem to you before it's too late and I don't get a chance to say it as much as I should and/or if I should depart this place called earth before you I want you to know that I appreciate and love you with all my heart
Just because of who you are!