Before Last Night
Before last night she was my dream come through,
Everyday my affection incessantly grew,
My heart and hers poised to glue,
When with her I forgot my crew.
Before last night I had only kissed her,
And goose bumps graced me body-over,
The sound in my brain was that of a classic Opera,
Life with her had promised no disaster.
Before Last night our love was in express motion,
My friends thought I had taken a love portion,
Fools! what did they know about my emotion?
For this lady, to the wind I had thrown caution.
Alas! Last night in entirety she gave me her body,
My love for her thereafter appears rusty,
I now see she is not too far from ugly,
And she is not the only woman that could make me happy.
I wonder how all can change in one night,
While her love for me looked to reignite,
Mine for her fell from a Skyrocket to a Kite,
This morning, I feel I was blind and just regained my sight.