Before the After
After the beginning,
before the end
Before we became lovers,
after we became friends
After the last rebound,
before the first time out
Before the very first promise we made,
after the casting away of our last doubt
After the insomnia mare night tear bolt galloped afar,
before the sleeping beauty dream day slowly waltzed near
Before aisle joint cries of joy stifled every single silent fear
After the dawn horizon kissed the rearview of our car
Somewhere over the rainbow,
before the happily ever after end
We crossed a bridge of sorrow,
and vowed to always keep falling
Before the weeping lost cause
aftermath of a dual final heartbreak
We found the courage to pause ...
and with virgin hope, patiently wait
Before we knew it, the lingering after thoughts
we shared became fairytale real
And though true love tarried, the beginning
to our always and forever wasn’t late