Before the Teardrops Fell
I held onto you when love was new
When it bubbled up from the well
Young groom and his bride with nothing to hide
Before the teardrops fell
With sweet memories of how it would be
No one the wiser could tell
Where we both were before this occurred
Before the teardrops fell
On beaches of sand both hand in hand
Young lovers needing nobody else
Much fonder days is what we now say
Before the teardrops fell
In our marriage bed we held what we had
As we held tight to ourselves
But that was back then, so I'll say it again
Before the teardrops fell
We lived our lives inside of the light
Where love is clean as a bell
Where all that was right stood by our side
Before the teardrops fell
Looking back on it all at the trip and the fall
We should have pulled tighter on loves belt
Then we wouldn't be so desperate in need
Before the teardrops fell