Love Poem: Before We Existed They Were At War
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Written by: Toya Williams

Before We Existed They Were At War

In arms with each other encircled
In lovers’ battle, cousins under the same blazing sun
And we hate them the same as they hate each other
Can’t change the sun or move those storms were just waves in an ocean of hate.
And we are dieing to be accepted by those we drag in the mud
Behind station wagons, and hung, and burned their sacred places
For fun, with guns like words and bullets handed like bread to their children.
And safe with towers to the ground we just rebuild our hate
Right hand world service, left hand holding bombs for babies
Not our children I know the future it states black ashes will rain from heaven
And we are not the same, blended and they still hating us, left us behind, to die in 
white, nothing holy
That cross we burn here in front of their homes is the same one we place on 
their foreheads to save them, burnt in their flesh
And I am Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist, Jewish
And we love and kill the same breathe of life in us just as we will do you cousin
America is atheist no religion yet we send our brothers and sister with right hand 
bibles and left hand guns Ak-47 freedom
Freedom and we love our cousins; my cousins marched with assault weapons 
before them in the oceans of American pride.
Freedom before us as a truly free nation….
And she knows the truth about them all
Unheard, but aware of the future of this earth