Before You Go
This poem is for all those couples who have loved ones with responsibilities around protecting their nation, like the armed forces. Especially, all those involved in current global wars and conflict. May peace be with you and this world. Blessings, peace and love.
Before you go
By Michelle Morris
In these loving arms
I feel love's warm beat
Encircled by trust
Feeling so complete
Love and its lessons
Wisdom and knowledge
We learned them well
We loved them with courage
I don't ever want to leave you
I don't ever want to move
But all we have is now
And I know the bitter truth
You have battles and war
You have responsibilities
This may be our last moment
And Christmas may never be real
We try to block out these images
But we know this is really goodbye
So, we pack everything into our kisses
And act like Death will come for the ride
In these loving arms
I feel like we're alone in this world
Please give me one more night
Before you go back to war
© Michelle Morris, 2022