Love Poem: Begging To Burn
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Written by: James Kelley

Begging To Burn

She always comes to me
when she's afraid she 
is losing the ability 
              to feel. 
She steps on my toes,
curls her fingers around
my manhood, and screams
into the ears she finds most 
trustworthy for such situations.
Hoping that I'll sink my teeth
into her mistrust, and she'll 
find the fading burn she so 
desperately clings to. 
But, I'm tired of being 
a martyr for the fluididity 
of complacent existence.
I am not a hero, nor am 
I a villain. I am only a man,
endeavoring through the 
very same storm, she is 
so bent on braving alone. 
So instead of breaking
the flesh of her, I cut
into my own,
and show her the mirrored 
veins of my disposition
and await the sting
I always expect from 
showing anyone the
depths of my affliction.
-James Kelley 2014, All rights reserved.