Being Human
Because life is such a challenge, no one escapes without scars.
Evils may always be lurking ; still we must face and fight them.
I do not try to be perfect; but I am made in the image of God.
Never bow to lies about yourself, or low life mentalities by others.
God made each of us unique, and no one can be you as good as you.
Happiness will never be found at the end of a rainbow, nor from others.
Understand that God loves us far too much to leave us like we are.
Mistakes are missteps that only become mishaps when we refuse to use them to make the next step.
At the end of my life, I want to hear God say to me, “Well done my child”.
Nothing or no one can make me feel less of a person than God says I am.
07042016 PS Contest, Being Human by John Hamilton