Being Humble As Unto the Lord
Don't think of yourself as
"better" than anyone.
You wouldn't be here...
If not for God's only son!
Thinking of yourself as
"better" is futility.
I pray that you would walk
in a spirit of humility.
Jesus said; "The greatest among us
must be the servant of all!."
Does this truth cause you
to stumble or fall?
If you don't love others,
with a humbled heart.
A life filled with pride
will not depart.
Don't "pretend" if you're not
seeking God's love.
You must receive a servant's
heart from God above.
In everything you do...
May you seek Jesus first!
For his righteousness...
May you hunger and thirst.
The message of this is not
meant to be redundant.
But to walk in God's love...
ever so abundant!
By Jim Pemberton