Being Transformed Took Time
Being transformed took time...
from madness to sanity:
the biggest step of a giant;
from ignorance to enlightenment:
the wisdom of a changed man.
I looked at everyone in the same light,
imparting fairness and equality...
wasn't man higher than woman?
Didn't God say that women
should be subjected to men,
and that men should love them?
Is this the notion of today,
or it has lost value for some of us?
My transformation came from observing
people interacting with one another,
communicating and sharing views.
My spirit was enslaved to greed,
" Me first and others last "...
as long as my urges were satisfied;
the rest of Humanity meant nothing to me.
O conscience, please remind me
of sympathy when I am about to fall...
that being transformed took time!