Being Two
As two we offer much, share much, many moments, trade, barter
Known and open, or unseen just there, we give and take
We talk and listen, speak, debate, argue and fight for our corners
And as two we accept, learn support and offer succour
Being one this cant be done, often easier no need to consider
We have no need to console, understand, tolerate
So safe and easy, there is no risk in this, no exposure of heart or soul
And often we choose this, a place to hide, retreat
I have been one, it served me well, in fact full of mirrors
Time to reflect, who I am, day by day to learn my self
It was a long lesson I did not expect, only realised at the end
When on a day not so long ago, I became one of two again
And so as two, we learnt much more, both in life were for time alone
Joined as now we find we fit, mind, body, heart and souls
Both different yet often the same, from other pasts yet now a future
I have to say it is remarkable being two, with you.
To Eva