Love Poem: Believst Me
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Written by: Joyce Johnson

Believst Me

My love, thy suffring to me is as mine own
My strongst heartbeats are for thee alone.
My sire, the king, to mine confusd dismay
Has spirited thee and hid thee far away.
He darest command that I shoudst fain forget
That sweet spring day, the one on which we met.
Thou art the one whom I woudst most adore,
And so wilt I, my love, forever more.

Fealty to my king I wilt no longer claim,
For on my love for thee he bringth shame.
I gird my loins and with undaunted cry.
I swear to free thee love, or I shalt die.
Brave men accepting largesse will attend 
Thy freedom and for treachery amend.
The king who woudst deceive a loyal son
Must die for harming thee, my beloved one.

by: Joyce Johnson

For contest:  "Thee that I love, adorn and trust" Early, modern English style