Belle's Chime
How do I deserve the treasure
Of your nightly presence,
Holding me, welcoming me
To this bed that we share,
Where cares of the day
Are sponged away by downy comfort?
Never have I experienced such
Freedom in a relationship.
Receptivity is your middle name,
Giving to me is your essence.
My Love, who first experienced release
After she was fifty, so hard was life,
So filled with uncaring ignorance and
Pseudo-religious denial of God’s gifts,
In my arms, spelunking into joy.
My Love, whose first sexual experience
Was a rape that impregnated her,
But ultimately helped her family, twelve people,
Escape from Communism’s curse by land and
By boat plying through bodies of less fortunate.
As dawn lifts us both from slumber
My thigh is a pillow for your legs
As you lay open to love’s gift.
Soul dipped into the cleansing
Well of sensual satisfaction
Always without inhibition,
Sometimes as you softly snore.
Sated once more we snuggle into
Even deeper caves of wholeness
Softly filled with morning light.
Brian Johnston
May 29, 2015