Best Friend
i was walking a path of loneliness
looking for someone to barge into my home, the doors were always left open, after all
i would walk into a room and felt like an outsider
like life was a party, one i didn’t want to be at
my thoughts left me alone and i was looking for something
maybe more of a someone than a something
someone who would know my feelings better than i did
and would see me as more than skin and bones
i would be more than just a pretty face
i would be an intricate mind and new songs to listen to
when this someone came into my life everything changed
she was early morning breakfasts and baking new recipes together
sleepovers with her made the sun rise early, because things weren’t so dark when she came into my life
she was someone to share my secrets with, someone who wouldn’t runaway from me when i wanted to runaway from myself
because i was the earth, losing my life, and she was mars, where life was found when there was no hope left for me.