Love Poem: Betrayal Iv

Betrayal Iv

He constructed
A magnificent wall around him
A huge impenetrable wall
An invincible wall
He wished to protect and defend
At all costs
And for all time
The most precious gift of all:
His love.

Innumerable battles he gave.
He was hurt,
He was injured,
He bled almost to death
He stood his ground
Never did he retreat.
Never was he defeated.
Never did he surrender
He kept fighting   
For her
For him
For them!

What an irony, though,
The proud wall, surprisingly, fell  
In the course of a single night.
Not to an outside enemy
No, nobody could do it, I swear,
To an enemy from within.

You see, my dearest friend,
The enemy was his most trusted ally: 
The one he loved!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       22 April 2021