Between Lies and Denials
Between lies and denials
Scars remained long unexplained from what some called my youth.
Between lies and denials is where I searched for the truth.
Searching rain clouds way up high I searched shadows everywhere
Between lies and denials I searched for truth that wasn't there.
I searched some closets here on earth where skeletons turned to dust.
Between lies and denials I learned there's no one I could trust.
I asked a stranger “Help me please” and I asked some old friends too.
But between lies and denials. There ain't a damn thing they can do.
I called the preacher on the phone and asked him “Pray for me?”
Between lies and denials ain't where the truth will ever be.
So I went to ask my father and I knelt down by his grave.
Between lies and denials what's found you sure won't crave.
I asked my brothers and my sisters what is it I must do?
Between lies and denials the truth will come find you.
Standing at my mothers side our worlds both fell apart.
Between lies and denials was the truth locked in her heart.
They all wondered if we'd make it, would we know love like before?
Between lies and denials she loved her secret more.
The shadows gathered round me, it grew darker than the night.
Between lies and denials was where my heart lost the fight.
They seemed to come from everywhere to bury me in shame.
Between lies and denials my love for her remained the same.
They took away all I had built and watched as my dreams shattered.
Between lies and denials they killed all that once had mattered.
Not one friend stood by my side they all say the fault's my own.
Between lies and denials I should not have come alone.
Broken beaten and betrayed she's the last one I would see.
Between lies and denials the truth had set me free.
Edwin C Hofert