Beyond Compare
good morning
the entry below is a "goshi" format
before anyone makes a comment on the format
for all of us who have posted on various sites
know each site has their own definition guideline and rule
it should be universal but we all know it isn't
it escapes me from which site I found the format
more than one stanza would make it a goshi suite
just as a tanka suite or haiku and senyru suite
I would further like to say
I'm certain we have all joined in on the format challenges
writing an entry from a to z with every format
the two hardest for me will always be the chant royal and sonnet
for those of you who continuously write in the formats
blessings to you and you have my truest respect and admiration
thank you
with all this being said
here is my "goshi" format
one stanza with rhyming optional
and with no rule of meter or unmeter
I listed my entry under light verse poetry
"beyond compare"
have I told you the worth of your open arms
have I showed you my love and the all of it
not because of your smile or sparkling eyes
and not because we express dress to undress
with illumination you move me beyond compare