Love Poem: Beyond Starlight and Stardust and Being
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Written by: Michelle Morris

Beyond Starlight and Stardust and Being

When you awaken in the morning 
Remember that you're lucky to be alive 
You have more time in your Hourglass 
For your loved ones and your Life 

Whatever the weather outside 
Whether rainbows, rain or sunshine 
Know that it's all part of the process 
Nature gives us through seasons and rhymes 

We may have challenging moments 
We may have pain and tears
But we need to focus on Hope and Faith 
Love and Light, not Darkness and Fears

Every single Soul 
Has a Purpose and a Path
We are all connected 
Part of the Universe's Heart

When we expand our Hearts
Focus on the Light instead of Dark 
We ignite the Power of Positivity 
And extend the Light like a Sparkler

Like magic the World lights up
We discover Joy and Peace and Harmony 
And when we go to sleep at night
Our Connected Consciousness inspires our Dreams 

The stars twinkle and giggle and play
In the Cosmos so filled with mystery 
For they know that Magic and Miracles await 
For Humanity's ultimate Destiny 

Take nothing in this Life for granted 
Have Gratitude every single Day 
For you are part of the greatest Story
That ever was played out on a Stage 

One day when we've overcome the Darkness 
When the Light sets us all Free 
We'll celebrate our Cosmic blessings 
Beyond Starlight and Stardust and Being

© Michelle Morris, 2024