Beyond the Sun
Beyond the sun I can rest my weary soul
Beyond the sun I will no longer feel this cold
No sorrowed brow like I have now
right from the start you will cleanse my heart
beyond the sun I will find a love untold.
I’ll be free of grief, and no longer feel the pain
rejoice each day far away-and for eternity I will wait
till the master and his new world unfold.
Beyond the sun I’ll see much happiness
and I pray to him I will truly be blessed
beyond the sun the light will show the way
and I will be free from this darkness
that we live in today.
I hope somehow in this life I touched a few
maybe one of them was you
and you will pass on a smile, or a touch
yes please share
so God knows there are many that still care.
Beyond the sun, there will be no more anger
or war
once again a great vision for this place as there was before,
So as my earthly life ends,
many more will begin,
and no matter how bad it may seem
I’ll be there beyond the sun
and that endless stream
with the masters love I am there.