An unbeliever is not really different
from an atheist, their thoughts are equal...
wallowing in bigotry with no truth to tell.
They defiance is demonstrated in arrogant phrases,
woe to you believers! Don't let them deceive you!
The lion devours anyone who's feeble and powerless.
Post your banner of faith and make them scamper,
and see them retrieve into their loathsome anger...
feel no pity or sympathy...let them fee their agony.
When a godly man states his views on spiritual matters,
he is surely disliked for declaring this truth with sincerity and boldness;
in ancient times, there was such an unquestionable, faithful man,
King David was the humblest and most virtuous one...
when it came to writing psalms and praise His Creator,
for he was wonderfully made and his thankfulness conveyed it more.
Defend your faith, there are many snakes hiding in the tall grass and one of them
seemingly asleep, will bite you to inject his deadly venom...
be careful and watch that serpent with a diligent eye and recognized bigotry.
Copyright 2009 by Andrew Crisci