Love Poem: Bitter Love
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Written by: Meline Ngo

Bitter Love


Such a handsome face
Can't stop looking
Heart can't find its pace
What am I feeling

My desire to catch a sight
Makes time so slow
When opportunity strikes
My stomach wants to blow

I've fallen so in love
I never knew
This excitement of love 
Is so brand new 

Whats on my mind
Is this for real
I want to bind 
Everything is jewel 

I love you
I really love you
What can I say
In what way shall I say

Oh no! what love did I find
Love can be so unkind
This is worst than a cross
But I don't want to curse

I've fallen in love to you
To a handsome as you
But how can this be
You're beautiful and sexy as me

@Copyright Meline Ngo.     August 27, 2015