Black Man Blues
I’m trying to be strong
Something telling me to hold on
Cops kill us all
While everybody phone is on
Gaining attention to the cause
Give us the same empathy you give a dog
Mice Vick had to sit longer than y’all
Can’t even remember names
Playing picture games
Put you on a shirt worship you for a day
But by next week it’s another you
Another colored man blues
First Sandra now breonna they taking our woman too
Now we all in tailored suits
Life is bland like plain rice
The same color of that Chinese meal cops cooking us like chicken in plain site
It’s a shame right
I’m learning the game in silence
Writing names on the back of jerseys before games I’m excited to see my colored man blues
Colored man made the news
Colored man became a stain for you
Now we all dead
Protest the block
Like a million man march
The world started appreciating our mark
Receiving hatred from narks
On the pavement it’s dark
Sit and wait no mrs.parks
Black rose grew from the concrete
All praise due to Allah
Plus whatever God you worship
Notice first kid
Blacks dying everyday
No wonder we have a bunch of kids
Can barely feed em just teach em while you here
We could disappear before fait
cops take us away
Didn’t even know my purpose
Seen God after blue lights I was nervous
I was sweating and ran away
Now my name on every page
Don’t let the names go in vain
Colored man blues
I’m a colored man to
I eat colored man food
Get sick then eat colored man soup
I need colored man blues
Just so a colored man can snooze
So many colored man made rules
I have the colored man blues
But here I rise and stand
Knowing I’m a man
Colored or not
I’m going to earn my spot
Kill me cop
My legacy
They never forgot