Love Poem: Black Summer
Keith D Trestrail Avatar
Written by: Keith D Trestrail

Black Summer

Listen up and I’ll tell
              you a truth shall I
about crazy hysteria
         and a convenient lie.
About how the hellish
                   Australian fires
are blamed on
   “climate change” deniers -
to convince you of
                   global warming
and that the climate 
                 is transforming.
About the zealot
         Church of Climatology
who follow their 
     doomsday cult ideology
and bow to 
       a brainwashed little girl
who preaches the end
                      of the world.
But what they don’t 
           tell you are the facts
for fear of condemnation 
                         it attracts.

Listen up and I’ll tell 
               you a truth shall I
that Australia has always
              been wet and dry.
This land of fire, drought
                 and flooding rain
burns and cracks and  
       floods again and again -
thus these fires are
             not “unprecedented”
such as the bias media
They shout the mantra 
               of “climate change”
but the facts like
    themselves they derange.
The fires they blame 
                     on hotter days 
but not the arsonists
          who set them ablaze,
and not the highly
   combustible eucalypt trees
that burn faster 
        and hotter by degrees.

Listen up and I’ll tell 
                you a truth shall I
about how when fools
           play wise people die!
And how eco-fascist
              environmental laws
are the reason the wild
                     bushfire roars -
how the huge forest
               fuel load uncleared
fed the fires like true
            nature lovers feared.
The media cry
       “man-made” destruction
instead of incompetent
                 hazard reduction.
The drought they blame
              on oil, gas and coal 
but not a cooling
            Indian Ocean dipole,
and now that summer 
                torrential rains fall
that too is climate change 
                           they bawl.

First we had the fearmonger
                         idiot Al Gore
who in his crusade got
         richer and richer more.
They said “mass starvation,
                        crops will fail”
yet we grow on 
       an unprecedented scale -
how more extreme 
         weather events are due
when the data shows
             the opposite is true.
They crowed the Maldives 
                    would disappear
but guess what, 30 years 
            on they’re still there!
They said Tuvalu is sinking
                   as sea levels rise
but satellite mapping 
        showed it gained in size,
and now they bow and pray
                         to Greta who
prophesies death
  and shouts “how dare you!”.

Add Attenborough, another
                     crackpot halfwit
says polar bears are
    dying out, that’s bullish-it!
Prince Charles, 
        Harry and Meghan spoke
but they are the princes
            and princess of woke.
Hollywood too, 
          those dumb smug elites
in their private jets
        full of their own conceits.
Now they speak 
            of an existential threat
and scare our kids
       into a doomsday mindset -
that civilisation will end 
                       in their lifetime
and that to me is
            the real climate crime.
Australia! Your ash and dust
                         is in my veins,
this land of fire, drought
                  and flooding rains.

       Written: February 2020