Blame Game
You want to play the blame game, I'd rather let bygones be bygones
But let's do it your way and just say I was wrong
I don't want to go back and forth, tit for tat, let's be grown up
Even though it ended bad, we should just be happy we've known love
Love turns to hate quick, but the hate is a cover up for sadness
The hate is on show to hide that we're hurt
It's easier to pretend we don't care, while we move past it
But we can't have a clean start if you keep bringing up dirt
These days when couples break up they act all the same
I don't want to be like them, going back and forth calling names
Let's just go our separate ways and accept we aren't meant to be
Don't hold onto things that didn't work, let your heart be free
I don't want to play games of who won the relationship or who upgraded
You're an amazing girl who I'm glad I've dated
Any guy will be lucky to have your love or see you naked
I don't want to go back and forth with games. Let's just create our own breakup playlists
Can this be it? Can we now go elsewhere without any pain in our hearts?
Our love was beautiful but there was a change in the stars
No one is to blame sometimes things have to end
I hope you find everything you're looking for my friend