Blessed By My Savior
He lights up the places in my soul
Where I need to shine, to smile, to grow
He fills me up with kindness, joy and peace
He reminds me that my light is something
Only He can stir up inside of me – filling me,
Inviting me to shine like the brightest Son…
He silences my fears, my awkwardness, my doubts
Colors me in hopefulness, inspiration, wonder
He awakens my heart’s best dreams, all the feelings
The longings and gentleness, filling my soul
With a knowing that He is always available,
Always willing to listen to my prayers, my desires
All the things that make me who I am…
He erases the worries that bring me such apprehension,
The dread and the despair, the depression that doesn’t
Care if it destroys my dreams, burdens me with uneasiness,
Wipes away the serenity, the pleasure that comes alive
Inside me when I feel my dreams turning into a reality
He walked across my spirit with a tenderness
That left me feeling so loved, so cherished, so adored
Only the grace that inspired me to praise
Left my lips and fell at His feet, where I pray – I pray
He sees the worship that I have given, the worship that
Is His, the Creator, the most amazing Savior…
The One who gave me hope when I was hopeless
The One who gave me joy when I was desolate
The One who gave me light when I was living in the dark
The One who gave me faith when I was skeptical
The One who gave me love when I was unlovable
Thanks to Him, I know what it means to give with an open heart,
With a love that is alive, a love that lives inside, a love that promises me
He is always there, always aware, always shining hope through me,
Lifting me from the past shame, pouring down joy – removing the pain,
Assuring me that, with Him – there is a way through anything,
A second chance, a burning favor, a belief in love that can’t be measured.
Thanks to Him, the love He gives.. I will always be blessed by my Savior!