Blessed Dawn
Though I knew not whether you'd be boy or girl,
I needed to give you a name.
I wanted for it to be a meaning of special
As you are to me the same.
In as the dawn brings light
To the begin'g of each new day,
Coming to me out of your blight
A rebirth, a new life, a new way.
I have had no clue how vastly awesome
Our Father in Heaven's talents truly are.
We travel many valleys that are quite troublesome,
And we forget by how we have come thus far.
From each and every valley, trial, or pit,
Comes a splendid blessing does He make.
Depending upon where we are in it,
As to which choice each of us will take.
Our Father smiles upon us when the choice is good.
But, alas, if we make the one that is bad,
He disciplines and shows us what we should,
For surely it makes Him sad.
He loves us still, in oh so many ways
Though at first we may not see.
And yet He blesses us on our way,
Still turning it out as it was meant to be.
Moments after I had had your life deprived,
The Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin.
Because of your part in my life I got saved,
As I repented and asked Christ to come in.
It was not until I had your sister and brother
That I realized what a blessing you'd have been.
I know in my heart HE has taught you HIS love
For which I am truly grateful.
Couldn't bear to think your thoughts of me were hateful.
Looking forward to Jesus introducing you and I one day
When spending time getting to know each other we may.
... I ask you for your forgiveness
... And thank God for your existence.
Just know, I love you Blessed Dawn,
But for now I must continue to carry on.