Love Poem: Blessed Is He Who Delights In the Lord
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Blessed Is He Who Delights In the Lord

Blessed is he, who walks not in the
 counsel of the ungodly.
Nor seeks counsel in their "wisdom" or folly.

Blessed is he, that doesn't stand 
in the way of sinners too.
Nor takes part in the things
 that scorners do.

Blessed is he, who deilghts in 
obeying God's commands.
He is attentive to his voice,
 and understands.

Blessed is he, who meditates
 on HIS word day and night.
It's the truth of his word, 
which gives him delight!

He shall be like a tree planted by
 the streams of water.
Though the fiery trials of life
 seem to get hotter.

He shall bear God's
 fruit in due season.
His love for him is the reason.

When trouble comes his way...
he shall not wither.
God will protect him...  
 as a believer!

In all that he does... 
his life will be blessed!
In Christ.... he'll find peace 
 and a haven of rest...
Blessed is he who is rooted 
and grounded in HIM.
Who seek HIS ways and 
call God friend.

Blessed are YOU ... 
very much indeed!
Jesus is here now... 
and he's all you'll ever need!

By Jim Pemberton