Blessed Is the One Who Trust the Lord
Blessed is He Who Trust In The Lord!
“Blessed is the man who puts his
trust in the Lord!”
Goodness and mercy in him
shall be stored!
“He shall be like a tree
planted by the water…”
And will not wither or fade when
the temperature gets hotter.
“His leaves are green and will stay
in the year of drought.”
Because his faith in God
is what his life is about!
“The heart is deceitfully wicked.”
And who knows it?
God! He made your heart
and he helped compose it!
“He searches our heart and
he tests our ways…”
There’s no running from him.
Throughout our days.
“He gives each according
to the fruit they bear.”
He knows what you’re doing.
He is always there!
Why not trust him with your life?
Why not start today?
Allow him to be your Lord.
Simply trust and obey!
You’ll never be disappointed
by what he can give!
He will bless you and give you
a reason to LIVE!
By Jim Pemberton Read: Jeremiah 17:7-10