Blind Love
I hold you close to me like a new born child and give you all
the tender care and love you desever
But there is just one thing I don't
approve of you push me alway show me your cold side and
not your nice gently side
You say you maybe love me because your still in love with an
old lover friend and you don't know when you
will fall out
I'm comfused what sould I do I'm learning to love you and I
don't wan't to lose
But your glad I'm in your life becasue I make you forget
about her and you know how I'm feeling about everything
And you can feel it and see it in my eyes you wan't both but
you know it anit wright so you just keep me near and her far
because your still in love
But you wan't me what sould I do drop up everything and
move on and just forget about use trying to be as one or
stay in this unfear relationship and keep carrying on
My body wan't you but my heart also to but my brain know
this is not a good way to live my life and I'm playing myself
for less
I'm comfused what sould I do I'm learning to love you and I
can't lose
This love I'm in must be called blind beacause I can't move
my toes I fell
in too deep and I can't even find the hole I fell into druged
and willy off an overdose
I'm confused what sould I do I'm learning to love
you and I don't wan't to lose
I'm confused and I don't know what to do I'm learning to
love you and I don't wan't to lose