Blind Trust
Open terrace
No parapet
You hug me tight
Blindfold me tighter
Game dangerous
But I don’t care
You’re here
‘Step back'
And you start the count
One, two, three, four…..
I remember
“How you rain kisses on me
Even more”
I freeze
Can feel the cold breeze
Mixing with sweat beads
But confident
The way you guide and lead
'Step forward'
Five, six, seven…..
Slow, gingerly pace
But my thoughts race
“Our blissful togetherness
Akin to heaven”
‘Now turn left and continue'
Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve
I wonder…..
“By now all your doubts quelled?”
I lose concentration
I stagger
You scream, rush frantically
And lunge
After all
It was a thirty feet plunge
You pull me back
From the brink
We sink
Into each-other's arms
I wonder…..
“Have your doubts been replaced by calm?”
You hold me tight
‘I’ll never let you go'
I nod, 'I know'
You unfold me
I look into your eyes
A choking whisper
‘I trust you, you see!’