Blood&Roses fill the battlefield
of fire the vines from the roses grow
around my heart.
Sticking me with the throns
that it holds
Blood come from my eyes like
red rose petals the path
leave me dark and cold
wondering why it hurt so much the feelings
that we seek for each other grows deep
down inside the garden of shadows.
From head to toe i am paralyzed
sexual vibes run through my head
all i can feel is touches so sweet
kisses so wet and love so deadly
That his blood thickens like water
gunfire flyf from the fields letting everyone
know that our love was once ine the air
all i see was the garden that is now
perished in the war of death that we once ponder
Crisscross my soul crisscross my sprit i will
always love u because that's where my bllod of
roses satin from the moment we touched from
the day we die here is the end to next time