Love Poem: Blue Eyes - Dreaming
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Written by: Rex Mccoy

Blue Eyes - Dreaming

Not far it was from Heaven
'twas the very month of June
and the sweetest birds were singing
when first
she stole my tune ...

As if from out the bluest sky
an angel came to call

Quintessence of Irish memory
with braids as I recall

The golden sun's shine o'er the dew
through her eyes

Like flowers
from a woodland path
her smile just mesmerized

With dancer's wings she stepped along 
my song held in her arms

My blue eyes dreaming
now locked within her charms

"Good day kind sir"
sweet melody
embraced my very soul

With butterflies and rubber thighs
my tongue
I swear it swoll 

My heart stood tall
to brace my jaw
an lock the molars tight

The best I managed
was a smile
my voice had taken flight

she locked her gaze to mine
reached out to my lapel

Placed a fragrant flower there
bent close
to share its smell

The moment
stole my breath from me

I gazed in pure delight

Enchanted with her beauty rare
to silent night