Love Poem: Blue Lotus
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Written by: Phillip Knox

Blue Lotus

She is a blue lotus  

touched by the sunlight 

the intricacy of her emotions 

becomes clear with time. 


As shades of twilight fall  

Her love, subtle has entranced me 

I hear her voice calling  

 drifting on a soliloquy. 


I’m her captive, pleading  

weaving words in a tapestry 

foamy seas in the distance 

and her footprints shatter me. 


The hue of red 

and a gold braided thread 

woven through and through  

how I long for you. 


Blue lotus of mine  

delicate, adrift cool streams  

among the raining moonlight  

your hair falls gently.  


Don’t let the night pass 

until love finds meaning  

composing beautiful symphonies 

and moments that last.  


I adore your worth  

In each measure 

profound this love 

the blue lotus I cherish.