Blue Waters
They say, I sailed the seas in 1492. Was the year really 1492, or is it not true. The seas were rough from time to time, many were over the side sick as a dog heaving up their guts. The days were very long, the nights were filled with lonely stars. Would we ever see land again, was land just a dream we all had. Were we in a large bowl of blue water, blue water that would devour us to death. The sun was hot and drying, no water to drink would that bring our dying. Do I hear shouts of land ahoy, that must be a mirage. Only blue water do I see, maybe I do see land or am I just dreaming. The closer we steer the ship, more land we do see. As we land in this new world, what will we find. Will we be glad we made this official trip, after all we left love ones behind. The wooden ship the Santa Maria, did get us here safely. Only time will tell, was this story going to have a good ending and all be well.
Date Written: 10/18/2021
Honorable Mention
A Noteworthy ShipContest Judged: 11/11/2021
Sponsored by: Robert James Liguori