Body Unity Times Two'
I have taken many walks through this great and lovely land,
I have walked through her deserts, on her mountains and her sand.
Many are the people I've met along the way,
Each carrying the bond of love for the U.S.A.
With skin of many colors; and ethnicity differs too,
But they're as much Americans as me or you.
We have a common flag, and one President to lead;
And equal opportunity for all to learn to write and read.
Traveling through most states, their laws are pretty much the same,
The state I'm about to enter looks like the state from which I just came.
People love their families- husbands, kids, and wife,
And there is great appreciation for the freedom in our life.
Immigrants arrive and step upon our shores,
To partake of liberty's freedoms- because we have wide open doors'
For some this 50-state union is the land of their birth,
Every patriotic heart thinks this the best nation on earth'
Religion is an area in which not all agree,
But I'm guaranteed the right to worship in the manner best for me.
Some folks may be soft-hearted; others tough as old shoe leather'
Yet, when disaster strikes, you'll see Americans pull together.
Our states are separated only by map-makers lines,
The common values we share are ingrained in our minds.
The Church is also a single body with members far and wide;
Each one is looking past the obvious and seeing Jesus inside.
The Church has people in every separate nation,
And God's people can be found in each denomination'
We have a common leader: Jesus is His name'
And He sees each Brother and Sister as being exactly the same.
Just as in America, it's the people who make our nation;
Likewise it's the Christians who make the Church' Now, that's a Revelation'
Arthur Ball (H.S.L.P.)
September 18, 2005