Love Poem: Bond Age

Bond Age

Oh , Israel of God
        how your King has loved you
your courtyard paved
        with instructions made of gold
your teaching is transparent
         like pane glass windows
and their views
         our heart and minds enfold
Each step we take
brings us a little closer
          to the doors of never turning back
they are built
          upon a firm foundation
the walls framed       a solid fortress
that defy the adversarial attack
Within dwells the Throne
         of the most High
his standards the highest
         virtues man can pursue
the fruit of undeserved kindnesses
         and of their loyalty
the things we must always practice
         and to that course be always true
Beyond the veiled curtain
        where the high priest        calls on you
the place of flawless love
        where our Lord has entered to
Oh city of the King
        how we love you
all roads lead
        to the temple mount
there dwells the clean and holy
and those residents
         a census only you can count
Her construction
is overseen by the master builder
who is the architect
of every master plan
his workers skilled and proficient
and they are trained
by their own masters hand
They have collected
everything considered precious
that can be found
within the hearts of men
to the King as gifts of presentation
are the hearts of those
who are serving him
Oh Beloved husband
I was made for you
everything you sought after
is my delighting you
It is your happiness
I serve
you have offered all your treasures
which is more than I deserve
You found me in the fields
and in my bondage chained
you severed me from slavery
to the course you have proclaimed
If it were not for you
I would never know the cost
what really is worth dying for
the paradise of Love we lost
No shame in being naked
where my heart and mind you see
I want this kind of closeness
for all eternity.....
sources , Song of Solomon
and the minor prophets
and the spirit of Truth
COPYRIGHT © 2012 C. Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC