Love Poem: Book of Love
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Written by: Scott Renfroe

Book of Love

I could write your name on the book of love... Your smile could be the 
handwriting that I use when I write every single verse of my poetries.
Every stanza is a wonderful melody of every word you have spoken to me. So soft 
and tender I could feel them.
When my heart is at night remembering your love, makes me feel my time going 
slow... I could be forever suspended in time because of your kisses.  My thoughts 
are flowing like rivers that look for the sea... They are looking for you and they are 
trying to reach you in every dream.
This is the way I love you my love... thinking of you, brings joy to my life... makes 
me be more alive... and it would take my breath away if I could kiss you tonight...
Sweet dreams my baby, the moon is always watching your dreams... like a 
secret guard that I send to your bedroom... to watch my baby while he is 
sleeping,  while I singing a lovely song in my loneliness.
Sweet dreams my sweetheart, I have sent a lot of angels to play a lovely melody 
for you to think of me every night... while I am sleeping here so lonely, they 
whisper on my ear how do you look like...
I love you so much Scott... and you inspire me to create all this beautiful poetry 
just for you... The love of my life.