Born To Me This Christmas Day
My son of perfect innocence,
my little dove on wings..
Together we'll be facing,
many unknown things..
This day I honor and welcome you,
tender child of mine..
Already tugging at my heartstrings,
together we'll surely shine..
Incredible warmth as you find my breast,
replacing your new born cry..
As you inhale, your first life's breath,
I gaze into your eyes..
No longer silent strangers,
into this life you're hurled..
My brave new companion,
welcome to our world..
Your flaws are few if any,
this I clearly see..
I'm humbled that you chose me,
I will never ask 'why me'?..
Any lingering doubt, is of no
consequence to me,
as you scan my face for recognition,
and voice your instant glee..
There'll be up's and down's a plenty,
this I promise you..
I'll kiss away your tears,
until your sadness is subdued..
When come the day you'll blaze your trail,
I'll know that we must part..
The arrival of your newfound love,
she's sure to break my heart..
How can I possibly think of that now?,
look at this bundle of joy..
You, my gift from god above,
my first born baby boy..