Love Poem: Bottled Inside
Tim Hoffman Avatar
Written by: Tim Hoffman

Bottled Inside

•?• Bottled Inside •?•

Bottled inside is sadness no one can see
Coming and going like the ebb of the sea
No one near, no one close to me
Waiting for sadness to finally flee

Bottled inside is a void deep inside
Where love did once reside
It haunts and it’s precocious
Its madness is ferocious

No longer is the enduring light
Only darkness with its plight
Trying to face this world alone
Turns my heart to frigid stone

Bottled inside and tucked away
I try to think that I’ll be okay
A loving and giving heart
Must fulfill its part

Bottled inside, weary and weak
Where things seem so bleak
Therein lies a key
For one to set me free

© Tim Hoffman
® Poetry and quotes from my Heart
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