Bottoms Up!
In the spiritual quest for all that is best
I discover another who is seeking it too.
A superior material that's ripe for a touch,
To feel it and test it and kneel with it much.
And our fingertips linger and our palms are like psalms,
Measuring treasure, holding with pleasure,
The body so real of our holy ideal.
And the words pop, and the seekings stop.
O perfect independent, resplendent, so fine,
I draw you within me to drink you like wine.
And the feast of a lifetime thrills at our lips
And the sparkles are felt and the bubbles dealt.
One hundred percent proof is our stunning truth
And we are the drunkards full of our tankards.
O calm, clear-sighted, rational sun,
Material superior, integrity spun,
A new year is dawning, new life rushing on,
Achievements and profits, new promises sung,
And I have you and you have me,
And we are the bottle pouring so free!