Bouquet of Flowers
In a crystal vase, a flower bouquet I arrayed:
Iris flowers purple, yellow on its outer edge
Interlaced with a layer of tulips burgundy-red
Beholden to support of emerald green stems
And gracing the center are tall pink rose buds
Warning their sharp prickles not to interfere
With romantic dreams of a budding ruby rose
Unfolding slowly, and revealing just enough--
A mere glimpse at the stares of secret lovers.
You stand there, admiring symphony of colors
When evening sun peeks in, twinkling white crystal
As your smile evokes verses of love, divulging so little
Much like a first kiss, reluctant to say more.
June 23, 2019
Poem of the day on June 25,2019
Placed 2nd: Your choice flower verse contest by Brian Strand